Beyond the Collar


Mark Edwards’ life story has covered so many extremes that there are moments where you think (or perhaps hope, for his sake) that they are exaggerated. But throughout it all, he retains a clear-eyed sense of perspective which I admire, and which keeps his prose from straying into melodrama, as he tells a story I haven’t heard before. Well worth the read.

Natalie Haynes (Judge for the Booker Prize), Columnist, The Times

SKU: 9781913181734 Category:


Courageous and inspiring. The Times

Can a damaged child with mental health issues and a history of self-harm and suicide attempts become a successful priest? Mark Edwards’ story of life behind the dog collar is an honest, moving and sometimes hilarious account of a man who is determined to be true to God and to his priestly calling, despite a growing conflict with mental health issues arising from a deprived childhood.

Mark Edwards takes the reader on a personal emotional roller-coaster, while conveying what it’s like to be a vicar in a Northern industrial town. The Independent

A refreshingly honest and candid insight into the private life of a public figure who made a big impression on the local community. Northwest Mail, Cumbria