Don’t Get Excited But….


A true story of deepening love, faith and purpose, discovered on a journey through utter devastation



On 2nd November 2019, the lives of David & Sam Hazeldine were abruptly changed beyond recognition, when David had four simultaneous strokes that left him ‘locked-in’ his own body. He was completely paralysed, heavily sedated and put on a ventilator for life-support. Consultants gave him a 10 per cent chance of survival and then that of institutionalised living.

This compelling and gripping story of the next 4 years:

  • How would their love and faith survive such testing?
  • Why did David react so calmly when realising he was locked-in?
  • What good could possibly come out of such sudden devastation?

Walking into the ICU felt like being surrounded with impossible circumstances, seeing David lying there, locked in… We anointed David with oil and spoke a blessing over him.” Clive Urquhart, friend and senior pastor, Kingdom Faith Church

David’s strokes were the most traumatic event our family has ever been through, we were thrown upon our faith and each other to sustain us, which has brought us to where he is today – a quite miraculous recovery from the brink of death.” Stuart Hazeldine, older brother

Never have I met a man so motivated, so driven, and so focused on his rehabilitation goals.” DN, Speech and Language Therapist, The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Working with David remains the most memorable and transformative experience of my career to date.” RA, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, University Hospital Lewisham

Now read the rest of the journey for yourself